GIFTED Recommends: ‘Stay Free’ - Londrelle

Stay+Free,+Londrelle Gifted, by Nature

For Fans Of:

Lofi Hip Hop, Chill-hop, Meditation, Mindfulness, Yoga

Londrelle is a multitalented, spiritual creative: as a poet, author, and musician, his work is deeply inspired by Eastern philosophy and Vedic literature. He appears as a mindfulness king, with his own meditation app, Eternal Sunshine, which provides daily mantras, guided meditation, and inspirational talks. 

His album Stay Free, released in April 2020, is a project that inspires gratitude, growth, and mindfulness. It’s no doubt that the album became a grounding force for many who felt that the world was falling apart around them as the pandemic grew exponentially. Londrelle spreads a message of joy and resilience: through self-love and mindfulness, he shares how we can overcome the darkest moments of life. Stay Free is about good vibrations, spirituality, manifestation, meditation, and appreciation, all combined with chill-hop beats and relaxing vibes.

In ‘Elevate Your Mind’, Londrelle makes his intention clear: he wants to elevate the minds of his listeners through the language and concepts of incorporating meditation and mindfulness into their day-to-day lives. His lyrics consistently mention chakras, yoga poses, and the importance of breath. Londrelle uplifts his listeners through his music, as made clear in the song ‘You Are Enough’, which works as the perfect antidote to negative self-talk. Scrolling through the YouTube comments under Londrelle’s videos, you’ll find a community of adoring fans: his message of light and positivity is clearly needed, and it’s appreciated.

Londrelle Gifted, by Nature

The most popular song on the album, ‘Gratitude’, is about focusing on the good to be able to cope with the bad. As pleasant melodic brass accompanies the chill beat lulling the song along, Londrelle expresses gratitude for the sun, moon, life, his breath, his sight, and his health. ‘Gratitude - that’s my everyday attitude’, he says. In remembering to pause and appreciate all that is good around us, we’re better placed to deal with whatever life throws our way.  

Another popular track, ‘Morning Asana’, feeds even more into themes of affirmation and guided meditation. The song is a celebration of having peace, having worked towards it, and a commitment to keep peace at the heart of your daily routine. For those working on self care, kindness, and self forgiveness, Londrelle’s reminders to ‘be with the body’ can provide grounding and focus in an often overwhelming world. In ‘Trauma Release Meditation’, crashing ocean waves mix with sounds of birds overhead, as Londrelle encourages the listener to breathe and let go of their pain. Throughout the album, you’ll hear a lot of ‘inhale’ and ‘exhale’, which are surprisingly necessary reminders. We all need to check in with ourselves sometimes, to notice we’re breathing shallowly, clenching our jaws, or maybe our shoulders are up by our ears from stress. 

In combining spirituality and philosophy with hip-hop, Londrelle provides something cutting-edge with this album. Listening to Londrelle’s music is a relaxing reminder to stay free in our own minds, to release harmful energy, and to be grateful for every day. For those seeking a mixture of lofi beats, positive energy, and guided meditation, give in to the sensory experience that Stay Free provides.


Gifted, by Nature is a Multimedia Production, Entertainment and Communications company, comprising of a Creative Agency and Literary Publisher — rooted in consciousness, creativity and compassion.


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